General terms and conditions

Registration process and cancellation policy

We accept your registration both written (fax, e-mail) and oral (in person, by phone). It is binding and will reserve your place in a course unless the course is over-booked. However, you have the opportunity to withdraw your registration up to 14 days before the course will begin. If your cancellation is on time, it will not cost you anything other than the registration fee you paid at first (25 Euro per participant).

If you cancel within 14 days before the course starts, a cancellation fee of 25% of the course fee is applicable or minimum Euro 100 – in addition, the registration fee must be paid. Failure to appear for the start of the course results in full payment of the course fee. The registration fee cannot be refunded, early cancellation has no effect. The course you have booked is a unit that cannot be divided, therefore an aliquot part of the course fee due to a premature termination cannot be refunded.

For courses abroad a special foreign cancellation policy applies (see below).

With your first registration for an inlingua course you agree not to give any kind of contract to our trainers directly, otherwise inlingua Styria is entitled to charge you for such an engagement in accordance with our current price list and an additional 25% surcharge, regardless of whether or not a payment in this time has been made by you to the trainer.

Payment and place of jurisdiction

After registering you will receive a registration confirmation which is also the invoice. A payment form is enclosed and we ask you to transfer the course-fee, to the mentioned account, within one week after receipt of the invoice. A paid course-fee is non-refundable, unless your language course is cancelled by us.

In the event of delay of payment all reminders and collecting costs will be charged at an interest rate of 1% pm. of the agreed base rate of the course. If instalment payments are agreed upon and the participant is late with one instalment more than 7 days, he/she misses the course and the full course fee must be paid. If the participant should book a course on behalf of his/her employer or charge the payment to the employer and the employer refuses to pay, then the participant him/herself is responsible for the payment due. Place of jurisdiction is Graz and Austrian law is agreed upon.

Sales tax

Our prices are in Euro. Our services are exempt from sales tax. Exceptions are in-house courses, seminars and educational materials as well as translation and interpreting for which we need to charge 20% VAT (books 10% tax) to the bill.

EU subsidies

inlingua Styria has the status ”accredited institution of adult education”. For this reason, according to present EU guidelines ESF objective 2 and 3, it is possible to apply for EU subsidies for an inlingua course. inlingua Styria will be pleased to advise you on your individual options, however, we cannot guarantee you any subsidies as the EU guidelines might change. There is no legal entitlement for subsidies, therefore inlingua Styria is not liable for unauthorized or non paid subsidies.

Course length, course dates, postponements, cancellation, interruption, change of trainer

One teaching unit = 45 minutes. The minimum course duration per day is 2 teaching units. For missed lessons of a group course, individual participants are generally not entitled to compensation. But on request we offer individuals lessons to catch up on all of the ones missed for a 50% discount. A late entry or early exit is not an entitlement for an aliquot credit or a refund of the course fee, unless otherwise agreed upon in writing, beforehand.

Our participants appreciate maximum flexibility and individuality. For that reason we do not fix course dates early, but always try to take into account your desired dates and try to coordinate the group accordingly. A final course date confirmation can therefore often be short-termed and also by telephone. For already fixed booked course dates and confirmed in writing by us, postponements will only be done with the consent of all participants. Postponements of within our framework of given “potential course-dates” can occur at any time and are no reason for withdrawal. Course cancellations for individual and in-company training courses are, under certain conditions, possible (see below) without losing out on the course.

If your course has to be cancelled because of reasons on part of inlingua Styria, the course fee can either be transferred back to your account or credited or deducted from a replacement course. An aliquot regulation applies for courses that have to end earlier to due reasons on our part.

The trainer keeps an attendance list for every course that can be viewed or copied at any time by the participants. The attendance list is the basis for course costs. Therefore all entries are considered as completed and approved by the participants if, within two weeks, no written complaints are handed into the inlingua office (not the trainer).

During the course, the group is free to, in agreement with the trainer and after consultation with our office (depending on the availability of space), agree mutually on postponements or interruptions (e.g. holiday periods).

Course cancellations, as in the case of illness or short-term hindrance of the trainer, will be notified by the trainer him/herself or by inlingua Styria. According to guidelines the group decides on an alternative date at their next meeting. In the case of a long-term hindrance the majority of the group decides on whether to interrupt the course or continue with a replacement trainer. As a matter of principal we reserve the right to send a replacement trainer, and this is neither a reason for cancellation nor for a disruption of the course for no longer than four weeks. If the course has to be interrupted for more than four weeks and in case there are no other mutual agreements, this situation is handled as cancellation of the course due to reasons on our part, meaning that you are entitled to claim an aliquot credit or a refund of the course fee.

Continuation course

With your registration you confirm at the same time, in case you decide on a continuation course, to book it with inlingua and not make any such arrangements with the trainer directly. For violations of this rule the full course fee for the continuation course is due immediately, regardless of any payment agreements with the trainer.

Individual training, in-company training course

Have you chosen an individual training or an in-company training course, so you decide, in consultation with your trainer, about the development of course, especially also about course dates. You can agree on any number of lessons (minimum 2 hours = 2 units) on appropriate days. Even a fixed date that was agreed upon with your trainer can be cancelled or postponed up to 24 hours before (Mondays and days after holidays, the last working day is relevant accordingly), without you being charged for any lessons.

In case of cancellations within 24 hours and in case of your failure to appear for agreed dates you lose out on the lesson.

Procedure for exceeding the maximum – or for not exceeding the minimum number of participants

If your course is overbooked and in the first three days of the course the maximum number of participants (usually 6 people) have exceeded, your group will either be divided or, if the majority of participants agree, extended, according to ”surplus” participants by 1/6 of the course duration agreed upon (the factor is in accordance with the maximum number of participants valid for this type of course). Example: Course with 48 units, maximum 6 participants – with 7 participants it is possible to extend the course to 56 units.

Should, at the scheduled start of the course, the required minimum number of applications not be present, we reserve the right to postpone the scheduled course date up to two weeks, without the participants using it as an excuse to cancel the course. If, after the postponement, the minimum number of participants (usually 4 people) are still not reached on the first day of the course, it may however, with the consent of the participants, be carried out, at the option of being either shortened per “missing” participant by ¼ of the course duration agreed upon (the factor is in accordance with the minimum number of participants for this type of course) or the course will be held with the original number of units under the condition of additional payment of the “missing” course fees needed for the minimum number of participants. If no agreement can be reached, the course must be cancelled.

If due to an early exit of a participant, the maximum number of participants allowed is no longer exceeded, respectively, due to a later entry of an additional participant the minimum number of participants is no longer exceeded, the course will be conducted to the end as originally scheduled. Any extensions, respectively reductions, only apply aliquot for the period of deviation.

DBS course

The discounted prices with Dynamic Booking System (DBS) can be carried out with no less than two participants, the general terms and conditions apply. Basis for determining the course duration is firstly the number of participants on the third day of the course. If changes are made later regarding the number of participants an aliquot extension, respectively reduction, takes place.

Regrouping, re-division, exclusion from the course

Our students have the right to expect a language course with internationally recognized inlingua quality. Through extensive consultation and advanced placement interviews with interested parties, we try to put together, if possible, homogeneous groups. If it turns out during the course that an individual does not fit into a group, we must in the interests of other participants reserve the right to re-arrange the group, however, without any obligation to do so. If it results in a (part-) group that has not reached the minimum participant number allowed, the general rule for reducing the course times, applies aliquot for the lessons still to be held. If a participant him/herself wishes to change the type of course, such as a conversion of his/her application from a group training course to an individual course, such an agreement is possible only when taking into account the price agreed upon earlier, and doesn’t lead to a resolution of the original contract.

Participants, who repeatedly cause problems by apparently disturbing other participants in the course or obstructing the progress of the group, can be excluded from the further course. Unused tuition is forfeited and there is no entitlement to repayment of a course fee.

Translations, interpretation

We take orders for translations (no certification) and for interpretation, whereby we act as an intermediary. However, we would like to emphasize that we only accept these jobs under the following condition that we limit liability only to the maximum amount of the contract.

Courses abroad

We are happy to give you a place on a course at one of our 350 inlingua partner schools worldwide. When you register, a deposit is payable in the amount of 20% of the total bill, the balance is due without further notice at least one month before the course begins. In the case of you booking one month before the start of the course, you have to pay the total bill immediately. Our offer is based on the current prices of the partner schools, on basis of the current exchange rate. We must therefore reserve price adjustments due to changed circumstances. However, you can exclude the foreign exchange risk, by transferring the entire outstanding balance within 2 weeks after we making you an offer. This way we can fix the reservation with the partner school and forward the payment without currency risk.

Cancellation conditions: Your registration is binding, because we on our part have to make a booking with our inlingua partner abroad. A withdrawal is possible at the latest one month before the training will start, however we must retain your deposit of 20% as a cancellation fee. A cancellation within one month before the scheduled start of the course is no longer possible, and the invoice amount is 100% due. The courses abroad, accommodation and local fringe benefits are subject to the terms of the respective school.

A final word

We are constantly striving to improve the quality of our courses. Nevertheless, it can happen that something goes not according to your preference. In this case, we ask you to inform us immediately of any criticism, so that we can turn the situation around and steer and design your future course to your complete satisfaction.

The success of your course depends on many factors. Goals here are difficult to quantify. There are no guarantees for the achievement of these goals, nor liability on our part. We want to and can nonetheless create the best conditions possible in making your learning of a foreign language with inlingua as comfortable and efficient as possible. But please keep in mind: Through your personal contribution and commitment, you ultimately have it in your hands to reach your personal goals or even excel them.

We wish you all the best for your inlingua course!


S&S Language Competence Center GmbH
inlingua Sprachencenter Steiermark
Gradnerstraße 173
A-8054 Graz
Tel: +43 (0) 316 / 82 44 77
Fax: +43 (0) 316 / 82 44 77-4

Membership: Austrian Chamber of Commerce
Company registration number: FN 346784 b
UID: ATU65718066

Raiffeisen Landesbank Stmk. AG
IBAN: AT 9338 0000 0007 8266 70